Portfolio: Web



Website Screen Recordings

Websites undergo comprehensive UI and UX testing to ensure optimal responsiveness to intended functionality, thereby ensuring a seamless user experience.

Angular – Pet Shelter.

Angular – Posting & Rating.

Angular – Restful Tasks API.

Chat Board & Chat Room (2 videos):

Projects Screen Recordings

Projects including Python, Angular, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, and CSS.

Projects Screen Recordings

Projects including Python, Angular, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, and CSS.

Angular – Pet Shelter.

Angular – Posting & Rating.

Angular – Restful Tasks API.

Chat Board & Chat Room (2 videos):


"Julie has taken ownership and expanded into tasks beyond her usual arena. The census increase impact is clear and a bedrock of our digital outreach. Julie deserves recognition and praise not only for her efforts but for her fortitude in the face of such a daunting challenge that can only stem from a deep altruistic commitment to the mission and compassion for human lives across the world."

John N.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation

"Julie has been a great example to the team of adapting to the ever-changing digital space. Her drive to stay nimble in the face of new challenges from the website tech to overcoming issues on Google Business that even the programmers did not account for is a testament to her drive to fulfill AHF's mission and better herself and others. We commend her for her nimbleness and open-mindedness!"

John N.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Julie Pascault

Los Angeles, CA